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Issue #18 - Suspense & Decision PBM magazine
UPDATE: I've made a LOT of progress, today. It ate my morning and early afternoon up, and pages may vary somewhat from earlier draft versions of advertisements or articles that I sent to respective different parties. However, it's all been done using new software, even though the overall format I opted to retain for Issue #18. For future issues, though, I suspect that the magazine will begin to morph into a somewhat different look.

I have even written my editorial for Issue 18, already. So, I've got that out of the way, as we head toward tomorrow, which if the good LORD is willing, the issue will either publish or finish with only minor refining touches remaining.

My mastery of the new software still leaves one Hell of a lot to be desired. That said, I have made TREMENDOUS progress (in my considered judgment) in learning a variety of different features, in my experimentation of it, thus far. Truly, this marks a milestone for me, personally, in my bid to publish a PBM magazine for the 21st Century in PDF format. HOORAY! The learning curve accounts for a lot of the delay, since I decided a couple of weeks or so ago to bring this particular issue to fruition. If I had stuck with what I was using, then Issue #18 would have already been in your hands by now.

I suspect that the next issue will come together a LOT quicker. You, yourself, in fact, might even end up being surprised by how quick compiling it will seem to how slow compiling Issue #18 has turned out to be. I have also even managed to nudge my skills in refurbishing old comic art for PBM purposes a little bit, to boot, though I may notice the end result of those artistic elements more than you will, as future issues of Suspense & Decision magazine get published.

Including Issue #18, between now and Christmas Day, the tentative schedule is to have five new issues of Suspense & Decision in our readership's hands. They may well end up being smaller in page count, but frequency of publication will be a primary objective. Yeah, yeah, you say! You've heard it all, before. Well, what do you have to lose?

Get ready to strap on some PBM dynamite! Stand back, though, as I prepare to light your fuse.

Suspense & Decision - We're back!

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RE: Issue #18 - Suspense & Decision PBM magazine - by GrimFinger - 08-23-2019, 06:23 PM

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