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Issue #18 - Suspense & Decision PBM magazine
It's almost three in the morning, here, as I prepare to cease messing with Issue #18 for the night. I'll probably be tried, tomorrow, but I feel as if I've made some good progress, tonight, even if I have basically started over (again). The irony in it all is that, were I simply doing things as before, I would likely already have been done with the issue, by now. But I am trying to overcome the learning curve on the new software, for the sake of a better magazine, overall - even if you may not notice it very much, if at all, for a few more issues, yet.

Separate from any of this, I've had more than one company agree to let me make some new ads for them. Not that making ads is my specialty, of course, but rather, I think that readers of the magazine from issue to issue tend to want to see new ads, from time to time, and not just keep on seeing the same old ads over and over and over, again.

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RE: Issue #18 - Suspense & Decision PBM magazine - by GrimFinger - 08-22-2019, 06:56 AM

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