08-05-2019, 09:36 PM
(08-05-2019, 02:06 PM)Davin Wrote: Done! So for what are you planning to use this list?
Several different things. First, to try and help ensure that no one gets e-mailed who doesn't really have an interest in the mailings that I send out. Second, to try and better grow the overall playing base of PBM gamers, both of postal games and of lineal descendants of postal games (ones that send and/or receive turns through other than postal means. Third, to conduct polls or surveys (at some point), on things related to PBM gaming. Fourth, to provide a more modern and efficient mechanism of e-mailing PBM gamers who use the PlayByMail.Net website and/or read Suspense & Decision magazine. Fifth, to make it more convenient for me to e-mail an up-to-date list of people interested in the hobby. Those are the uses or potential uses that come to mind off the top of my head, Davin.