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Cohorts (Standalone Version) Alpha Test Released!
It's been about 6 months or so since the game's 1st Alpha Test was released. Based on the feedback that I got from the testers (which basically said - the UI needs to be significantly improved) I released Alpha Test 1 of the brand new version of the game.

Alpha Test 1 primarily focuses on going through the character setup process. It doesn't sound like much, but you get a really good idea of what's going to be coming just from this simple step.

New versions will be released every 3 weeks until we are ready to release a full Beta test, which is currently scheduled to be ready in 9-12 weeks.

You can get access to the Alpha Test either by joining the Facebook group "Cohorts Game System" or through my Slack account (which you'll need to be invited into).



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RE: Cohorts (Standalone Version) Alpha Test Released! - by Angerak - 05-07-2017, 03:00 PM

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