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Issue #16 - Suspense & Decision PBM magazine
CORRECTION: The e-mail that I sent out announcing that Issue #16 of Suspense & Decision magazine was out and available for download should have sought correspondents from all PBM game communities, and not just from the Agema gaming community. I'm still tired from last night, and I copied and pasted an entry from a specific forum that I posted to, this morning, but I forgot to revise it for the e-mail mailing.

Sorry about that!

If anyone wants to be a correspondent for the magazine, but only cover a given game or game company's community, then Suspense & Decision magazine is very receptive to that. I figure that, even if we don't manage to get a correspondent for every PBM community of players out there, then for the ones that we manage to get a correspondent for, that would be a big plus for both the magazine and for the PBM industry and hobby, overall.

Again, sorry for the error, but thank you for your interest in the underlying concept!

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RE: Issue #16 - Suspense & Decision PBM magazine - by GrimFinger - 03-05-2017, 01:46 PM

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