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attended local gaming con this weekend
(09-20-2016, 11:37 PM)Rick McDowell Wrote: At Alamaze we are nearing completion of a conversion from HTML to  SQL, which will have several advantages: for increased versatility with color and fonts and graphics in turn results, and the implementation of the legendary "Ready Button" we introduced in Fall of Rome.  Just weeks away.  The Ready Button means instead of having a deadline (and in Alamaze, turns are due various days of the week no later than exactly noon Eastern USA and are available within 5 minutes after the deadline), a game can process as soon as all players have hit the Ready Button.  Players will choose whether they want this faster format or stay with the traditional deadline in any particular game forming.  But our Duel format: just two players on a smaller map with a light fixed fee for a game of no more than 18 turns should really enjoy the Ready Button.  But most players accustomed to the old style PBM with 2 weeks turn around take awhile to get used to two turns a week, although there is no waiting for the mail to be delivered.

In Galac-Tac, we have considered a "ready button" effect numerous times, even back in the days of paper mail, as Galac-Tac is a game well-suited for that sort of approach.  But we've always decided against it (except for "solo" games).  I feel like the variable timing could be a stumbling block for players.

For example, let's say that you're playing a game with a two-week turnaround, and the due date lands precisely on Christmas day.  But you have to be out of town and away from your mailbox (or computer) for about 10 days before and after Christmas.  No problem, grab the before-Christmas turn as soon as it comes in and quickly write up a turn and get it submitted.  Now you're good until well after Christmas, so when you get back in town you grab your turn and get that one done, in time for the next deadline.  All's well.

Now, assume the same situation as above but the turns process whenever everyone has their turn in.  Also, everyone wants to avoid Christmas so they ALL submit their pre-Christmas turns right away.  Now the game processes more than a week ahead of the usual schedule, and the next due date is shortly after Christmas day.  But when the new due date arrives you're still out of town, so you miss the turn entirely, you didn't even get any warning, and you're NOT happy!

Thus, I've tried to keep a fixed schedule of due dates for Galac-Tac because being able to run turns sooner than scheduled may actually cause players to miss turns unexpectedly.  Don't you agree that would be a good reason not to have variable processing dates?

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attended local gaming con this weekend - by ixnay - 09-12-2016, 05:01 PM
RE: attended local gaming con this weekend - by Davin - 09-27-2016, 03:34 PM

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