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attended local gaming con this weekend
I agree with Angerak. When I turn off Fallout 4, I dont think about it until the next time I turn it on (and only then because I am waiting for my latest PBeM results).

I am the kind of PBM player who actually enjoys sitting on the patio with my coffee (read: beer), pouring over the previous week's turn results, making notes, flashing off diplomatic e-mails to other players, conversing on the game forums, and plotting the next turn's moves over a week or so. You just dont get that level of "passive entertainment value" from these flashy graphic games.

I long for the day when PBeM or even PBM re-captures the imagination of the gaming community....because, that's exactly what these games extract and distill...imagination.

Messages In This Thread
attended local gaming con this weekend - by ixnay - 09-12-2016, 05:01 PM
RE: attended local gaming con this weekend - by Blackwill - 09-20-2016, 03:09 PM

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