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Can PvP and PvE Coexist in the same game?
(09-07-2016, 12:56 AM)Angerak Wrote: The game system supports an environment that will "attack on sight", but it's not the style of module I want to make.

Attacking on sight isn't quite the same thing.

If a person isn't camping, then the environment would have a zero percent chance of attacking them. The player who is camping initiates the attack sequence by way of their chosen behavior. Furthermore, if you use a percentage based chance for the environment to generate a response (a response doesn't have to be an attack, per se, though it certainly could be depending upon the list of options that the environment is imbued with to react from), then the environment still might not attack a player who is camping.

The alternative is that the player who is choosing to camp and kill in a habitual manner may well be emboldened by the fact that the game, itself, turns a blind eye to camping behavior - which is a behavior of the player, rather than of the units being controlled.

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RE: Can PvP and PvE Coexist in the same game? - by GrimFinger - 09-07-2016, 10:54 AM

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