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Can PvP and PvE Coexist in the same game?
(09-06-2016, 11:51 PM)Angerak Wrote: The implementation, as it is, is far from perfect however.  A level 5 character carrying top gear can be a relative wrecking machine.  Using this sort of tactic, a player could camp out and cause havoc.  Players can fairly easily counter this though by sending in thieves to relieve these characters of the uber-gear.  Even still though, it could be enough to decimate a player's position if they lose their 5 starting characters to somebody using this tactic.

It seems to me that both the environment, itself, and other players can be utilized to dissuade players from camping.

To camp habitually in the same place would likely result, I am inclined to think, in their camping point (not to mention the tales that such activity would generate) becoming known. How long would provincial authorities, barony authorities, territory authorities, or even kingdom authorities tolerate rampant crime in any given area of their jurisdiction? The longer that a player camps, the greater the percentage chance becomes that various corresponding authorities would become aware of it or take action against it - or both.

Persistent camping could generate rumors for other players to become aware of. The hunter could quickly become the hunted. Persistent camping could generate negative incentive, which is basically a chance for punishment of that dire activity. The in-game rule set and mechanics are what you use to keep player excesses of any sort in check. Sure, thieves can be used to steal equipment of the camping player, but perhaps they could get eaten by a bear, or captured by some NPC entity - or even player-controlled patrols. Again, details of what all is possible are lacking on my end. I am merely thinking aloud, here.

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RE: Can PvP and PvE Coexist in the same game? - by GrimFinger - 09-07-2016, 12:12 AM

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