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Issue #13 - Suspense & Decision PBM magazine
Free ads will be making a return, in some for or other. Honestly, I can't imagine publishing the magazine without at least some for of free advertising option. I actually think that the free advertising model that the magazine utilized, previously, was actually one of the biggest successes of Suspense & Decision's previous run(s). I say that because, all things considered, it was relatively easy to sell people on free ad space.
Ironically enough, PBM companies (or companies that used to be PBM companies) seemed to value free ad space less than non-PBM companies, overall.
The PlayByMail.Net Facebook page is already beginning to lead the way, in returning the magazine and this site to life, anew. Granted, you can't really tell it, yet, by looking here, but I have been posting more and more frequently on this site's Facebook page, just bits and pieces, quips and images. The 'big picture,' so to speak, will be more than just the return of the magazine. The social media component, primarily on Facebook, will feature prominently as the magazine surges back into existence.

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RE: Issue #13 - Suspense & Decision PBM magazine - by GrimFinger - 07-14-2016, 02:22 AM

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