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Approaching the PBM Equation from a Different Angle
Here are a couple of the threads we did when doing a forum-centered game years ago -- Far Horizons: - Grim's Darkseid, with the legendary dreadnought "Granny Goodness" - my own 2nd Order of the Consortium

This highlights how much fun and enthusiasm can be generated by posting a play-by-play and hamming it up with the role-playing and smack-talk.

So let's do this again. We have Galac-tac -- Davin is ready to host a game -- it's a stable platform -- Davin and myself will be glad to help anyone out with drafting orders -- the only requirement is that you post something on it every turn, even if only a little tidbit.

Charles, you in? Anyone else reading this?
(08-13-2019, 02:09 PM)ixnay Wrote: So let's do this again.  We have Galac-tac -- Davin is ready to host a game -- it's a stable platform -- Davin and myself will be glad to help anyone out with drafting orders -- the only requirement is that you post something on it every turn, even if only a little tidbit.

Galac-Tac game #60 is still out there waiting for sign-ups.  If you'd like to play, go ahead and create an account on the Talisman Games web site and then send me an email or post or PM to tell me who you are so I can credit you with your free play time.  I'm happy to answer questions, provide introductions, and discuss various strategies, either on the Galac-Tac forum area (so everyone can benefit) or privately.  You may also wish to create a "solo" game to try out your strategies against the computer before visiting them on unrelenting human players.

As I've been reminded, Galac-Tac starts out as a "blank slate", upon which you get to impress your own "flavor" of play.  So come up with a concept you wish to model your empire on and then role play it with names, designs, and inter-empire communications to the hilt.
So Galac-Tac game #60 has not left the hangar yet?

Charles, let's get in on this. Granny Goodness needs to be taken out of mothballs.

I will see who I can shanghai from among my local gaming chums. And there must be a few other lurkers on these threads who might join in for a good old-fashioned space opera, complete with over-the-top role-playing by yours truly, posted for all to see?
What kind of a ship is Granny Goodness?  Perhaps I can suggest a Galac-Tac design code for her?
(08-14-2019, 05:52 PM)Davin Wrote: What kind of a ship is Granny Goodness?  Perhaps I can suggest a Galac-Tac design code for her?

Granny Goodness is a character from the DC Comics universe, one of Darkseid's underlings. When Bernd and I were playing Far Horizons, a few years back, I named one of my starships Granny Goodness. The ship was an ambassador of goodwill that I dispatched to Bernd's backward and unprepared race of technocrats. It was NOT a dreadnought, as Bernd flagrantly lies. It was a diplomatic vessel.
(08-14-2019, 05:25 PM)ixnay Wrote: Charles, let's get in on this.  Granny Goodness needs to be taken out of mothballs.

And you think that the optimal time to do this, is when I am mid-way through taking Suspense & Decision out of mothballs? Have you gone daft?!

(08-14-2019, 05:25 PM)ixnay Wrote: I will see who I can shanghai from among my local gaming chums.  And there must be a few other lurkers on these threads who might join in for a good old-fashioned space opera, complete with over-the-top role-playing by yours truly, posted for all to see?

Already amassing allies and scheming, I see. You had your chance at fighting Darkseid. You blew it, kid!
"Don't play games with me, Your Highness. You weren't on any mercy mission this time. You passed directly through a restricted system. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by Rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you."
We can try a game of Galac-Tac, together - but not until AFTER I get Issue #18 out the door into the hands of the remnants of its readership.
Let's see...  a good diplomatic starship should be able to show off what your empire is capable of providing to an alliance, perhaps even with a limited demonstration of weaponry available.  How about this design with a little of everything?


That's 30 SSD (max for tech 1) with drones, P-type and T-type weapons to show off various capabilities, plenty of defensive shields, extra torpedo storage bays for an extended battle, and hangar room for a 4-fighter CAP cover to deal with any minor annoyances buzzing around.   It can travel at a reasonable speed and combat maneuverability is as good as a big ship gets.  It takes 3 turns to build and costs 145 PI.
How's that for a diplomatic vessel to impress them during your negotiations?
Seems like a good design, and appropriate -- the Granny Goodness was a dark behemoth, bristling with weapons jutting out from its icy hull. (shiver)

And Charles -- I can wait. Maybe S&D will drum up a few more able bodied players to join us. Maybe the Tilkatians? The Neohumans? (gasp!) The Mold???

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