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Join our new e-mail list for PlayByMail.Net!
Click on the link and submit your e-mail address in order to subscribe to our new e-mail list for PlayByMail.Net!

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Done!  So for what are you planning to use this list?
(08-05-2019, 02:06 PM)Davin Wrote: Done!  So for what are you planning to use this list?

Several different things. First, to try and help ensure that no one gets e-mailed who doesn't really have an interest in the mailings that I send out. Second, to try and better grow the overall playing base of PBM gamers, both of postal games and of lineal descendants of postal games (ones that send and/or receive turns through other than postal means. Third, to conduct polls or surveys (at some point), on things related to PBM gaming. Fourth, to provide a more modern and efficient mechanism of e-mailing PBM gamers who use the PlayByMail.Net website and/or read Suspense & Decision magazine. Fifth, to make it more convenient for me to e-mail an up-to-date list of people interested in the hobby. Those are the uses or potential uses that come to mind off the top of my head, Davin.
Great! I'm looking forward to all the activity!

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