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Legends: Throne of Chaos
The Kingdom is strong. The seven Duchies are each led by a Duke, supported by 3 Barons. Yet beyond the borders the Chaos races prowl, ever searching for signs of weakness.

The King is dying and the Dukes/Barons all look to the Throne for themselves. To achieve such an end, some would even consort with Chaos.

Play a Duke, Play a Baron, play a Citizen, play an Agitator, even play a Chaos Minion or Lord!

Want to know more?

Initial pledges due by Noon 1st October. If you want to co-ordinate being in a team, you want your pledges in by this date!

Harlequin :-)
More Dukes are needed, report in to defend the realm!
(10-05-2013, 06:46 PM)Harlequin Wrote: More Dukes are needed, report in to defend the realm!

OK, teams are forming but there is still time to jump into this game :-)
5 Duchies are now vying for control of the Empire as the Emperor slips deeper into coma towards his inevitible death. Each Duke still needs more Barons, Citizens and even Chaos Minions to flock to his banner! Or, crush them all as a Chaos Lord! Stand to the side and watch as an Agitator to join the winning side later????

Initial setups dues in on Monday4th of November but there is still time to carve your own place in this world!

Setup turns sent out late last night at 2am!

Its still not too late to get in on this game right at the start!

First turns processing today! A player has joined late wanting to run a Duke's position, so he needs Baron and Citizen support! If you were wishing you had joined up, now is the time to leap in!


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