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[split] Splitting Galac-Tac discussion into new thread
(04-18-2016, 11:54 PM)ixnay Wrote: I am up for a game.  I will gladly and enthusiastically relive the glory of Far Horizons here in Galact-tac land.  We just need to get Grim to join in for the fun.  One of the funniest things I ever read on this forum was when he named his new destroyer "Granny Goodness" as it glided shark-like into my home system.

I had thought about writing a review of Galac-tac, but wanted to play some first.  But this idea of a "public" game sounds much better.  I will see what I can do to hype this up.

How many players does it take to make a game run well?

Great, Ixnay!

If you'd like to put an announcement somewhere (referring to this thread) that people might see if they don't come here, I think that would help spread the word.

Traditionally, we like to run with 10-15 players per galaxy, but we should be able to have a fun time with 5-6 if we don't get more.

FYI -- ship names show up on combat reports, so he can do that to you again.  We've even had players name their ships with a threatening message one word per ship, and sent them all into a heavily defended system just so their combat report would show them the message the hard way.  It's a shame that ship order is randomized during a combat report.   Big Grin
BTW, if you want to communicate/taunt/threaten/parley with your opponents in-game the easy way, like we used to do with 3x5 cards in the old "mail" days, there's a place on the web site that you can send and receive instant messages from one empire to another without revealing your real name/email.
I'll give it a try. I just signed up. Login name: Pulp Hero.

PS. Granny Goodness? Sounds like ol' Chuck is a fan of Jack Kirby's DC days.
That's one! Who wants to show him how it's done?
I am registered (as ixnay), but there are 4 games listed as "currently filling". Which game number are we talking about?

I convinced my brother to give this a try as well. (He used to post occasionally as "Pool Boy", in the Cluster Wars forum.) As soon as you tell me which game number to sign up for, I'll have him register.

I will also invite the fellows in my weekly boardgame group. Some of them have expressed an interest in this sort of stuff.

As for hyping it here, I will see if I can do a better "announcement" or "message banner" thing with the user-interface. I can't post to the blog that Charles set up to serve as the front-end, because I completely forgot my password to that account. (My own opinion is that this forum ought to be the front-end, and blog(s) could be an extra goodie for members, but this is still Grim's forum...)
Sorry Ixnay, I should have thought ahead that you didn't need to send me your login. I'll PM you now.
(04-18-2016, 11:54 PM)ixnay Wrote: I am up for a game.  I will gladly and enthusiastically relive the glory of Far Horizons here in Galact-tac land.  We just need to get Grim to join in for the fun.  One of the funniest things I ever read on this forum was when he named his new destroyer "Granny Goodness" as it glided shark-like into my home system.

It wouldn't be as funny, if you knew the theme behind my game play to begin with, I don't think.

Leave it to Bernd to rummage through space and stumble upon Darkseid and his henchmen.

The biggest initial obstacle for many PBM games and their lineal descendants tend to be learning the rules. To play effectively, meaningfully, a good grasp of the rules is required, no matter what the game is. Trying to learn rules can be a real interest-killer. I haven't looked at the Galac-Tac rules in a bit.
(07-14-2016, 05:12 PM)GrimFinger Wrote: The biggest initial obstacle for many PBM games and their lineal descendants tend to be learning the rules. To play effectively, meaningfully, a good grasp of the rules is required, no matter what the game is. Trying to learn rules can be a real interest-killer. I haven't looked at the Galac-Tac rules in a bit.

To make it easier, go back and read "Quick-Start Guide to playing Galac-Tac" from S&D #11.  That should quickly get you into a good feel for playing without having to spend time going through all the detailed rules in advance.  Many of the game rules have to do with details that you don't need early in the game so there's no point in cluttering up your time with an annoying learning curve before you can start.

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