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Dark Age II
I just got the following e-mail in from Steven Coombs, and he's looking for some people to give Dark Age II a try. I just got done, recently, watching those eight episodes of The Last Kingdom, so the English fighting Danes is very much at the forefront of my mind, currently. I've signed up for the game, so maybe I'll see you there!

[Image: Banner600.gif]

Steven in his e-mail wrote: Wrote:On 2/2/2017 5:59:39 PM, Steven P. Coombs <> wrote:
Just a heads up that the next Dark Age 2 game is about to start - I’ve just updated the waiting list page on the website; as usual it’s first come first served for a position (so always remember to have a couple of alternates in the wings).
And if you know of anybody that you think would like a game please do forward this email on to them.
Waiting List Page:
Hope to see you in a game soon.
Steven P. Coombs
Turn based games
Software Development

So, give the site a browse, and if it strikes your fancy or moves your curiosity meter, then consider giving the game a try.

- Charles -

[Image: Map.jpg]
I just signed up for a "freemailer" stand-by position. I left all the kingdom preference fields blank -- don't care which part of the map I play.

It appears that you can either play a paid position or play as an online-only "freemail" position in which you either take the first viable dropout position or they have a big enough group of freemailers to start a full game. (16 players)

So if you're at all interested, sign up as a freemailer and maybe we can get a group/forum game going.
(02-04-2017, 06:23 AM)ixnay Wrote: I just signed up for a "freemailer" stand-by position.  I left all the kingdom preference fields blank -- don't care which part of the map I play.

It appears that you can either play a paid position or play as an online-only "freemail" position in which you either take the first viable dropout position or they have a big enough group of freemailers to start a full game.  (16 players)

So if you're at all interested, sign up as a freemailer and maybe we can get a group/forum game going.

It "appears" that you're in the same game with me, Irishman.

Trust me...I come in peace.
You vikings are always leaving your boots around our Irish meadows and turning your moose herds loose on our flower gardens.

Well I, for one, won't stand for it anymore. I won't stand aside while these scandinavian hordes undermine our shared british values.

We Irish will restore a fine gaelic hegemony to preside over our isles, and we shall plant expansive potato farms across England, to ensure the comforts of Irish cooking shall never be jeopardized again.

(There are a dozen other openings, folks -- sign up!)
Ah, yes...The Irish. Spreading their propaganda, just as they spread their blight which even their famed potatoes are now infected with. You will make fine slaves, no doubt.
Are turns for DAII manually entered by the GM? From my reading, it looks like turns are to be hand-filled and emailed/faxed in for processing.
From the game moderator:

Quote:We have a website where you enter the turns these days - we can do manually entered but not for the weekly running games (which is the norm for the new games) because of the inconsistency of the post around here.

When I’m setting up the game I’ll be creating the accounts on the website for anybody that doesn’t already have one :-).

Regards, Steven.
My turn orders for turn #1 have been submitted.

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