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PBM News Blurb - March 19th, 2011
Rich Van Ollefen, the former owner and moderator of Flying Dutchman Games, a PBM company from the days of old, made a surprise visit and dropped by the PlayByMail.Net website, offering to do a follow-up to his recent interview with PlayByMail.Net. Flying Dutchman Games used to run the play by mail game called Quest of the Great Jewels.


Olympia G3
The Olympia G3 game has broken the 200 player mark, according to a news announcement from that game's website. Also, the Olympia G3 Admin and Game Master, Cappinator, started a forum thread asking if everyone was still having fun, six months after the start of that game. The player-contributed press portion of the latest issue of The Olympia Times for this game is still relatively light on player contributions, though.


Fate of a Nation
Peter and Johan of Norberg Games announced that their company needed to re-evaluate the future of Fate of a Nation, as a commercial enterprise.


Far Horizons
A strategic role-playing play-by-email (PBEM) game of galactic exploration, trade, diplomacy, and conquest, Far Horizons is resurrected, and running seventh edition rules. The first official game of Far Horizons to take place since The Awakening, Galaxy Alpha's reports generated during the course of the game will be used to develop the Game Client for use in later games of Far Horizons. Galaxy Alpha started with 11 players active in the game.


A visit to Pegasus Productions website, home of Alamaze, a strategic fantasy play-by-email game running since 1987, reveals no news updates on the site since December 22nd, 2008. A PDF flyer for Alamaze is available for free download.


Lands of Nevron
Dropping by the forums for Lands of Nevron, we learn that a re-launch of Lands of Nevron is being considered. Forum activity there seems light, at the current moment, but recent posting activity demonstrates that there is life in the project. A good place to start, if you're interested in Lands of Nevron, is their site map page.


Madhouse Interactive Entertainment
The status of Destiny 2: Tide of Darkness remains in question, as Madhouse forum user RunawayRich's recent posting of March 4th, 2011 on that site's forums seems to indicate.


The original programmer for Victory! The Battle for Europe, Terry, happened across the PlayByMail.Net website, and joined the forums there, bringing with him a wealth of memories from his PBM days. Victory! The Battle for Europe is a game still run, today, by Rolling Thunder Games.
Just like to say this is a really useful way of updating us Grim keep it up....

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