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PBM News Blurb - March 14th, 2011
Flying Buffalo, Inc.
Rick Loomis, the owner and PBM moderator of Flying Buffalo, Inc, has granted permission for an article of his that was originally published in Flying Buffalo Quarterly issue # 48, way back in the year 1983, and which was published again in Flying Buffalo Quarterly issue # 79 sixteen years later in the year 1979, to be re-published on the PlayByMail.Net website. The title of this article is, "The History of Play-by-Mail and Flying Buffalo," and it can be found here. Our thanks go out to Rick Loomis for allowing us to bring this worthwhile article to our readership.


Binary Elysium
Over at his blog, Computer Science and Philosophy student Casey, who also goes by the moniker Ramblurr in play by mail circles, has posted a blog entry titled, "PBM is dead! Long live PBM!" It's definitely worth checking out - one of the very best PBM related articles authored in recent years, that I have come across. What is the major hurdle facing those who want to bring PBM into the second decade of the 21st century? Check out Casey's blog, and find out for yourself!


The Road of Kings
Over at Lloyd Barron's website, The Road of Kings, site user Santa Claus is trying to organize a special game of Hyborian War that he has titled, "Santa Claus' Grand and Magnificent Tourney of Hyborian War." Santa will be playing the kingdom of Hyperborea in this game. If you think that you might be interested in getting in on this organized game of Hyborian War, be sure to drop by. Tell old Santa that PlayByMail.Net sent ya!


Play By E-Mail
Over at the home of Starfleet Warlord, a Strategic Campaign in the High Arena, Paul Franz has a number of old Star Fleet Warlord News newsletters archived. They are definitely work exploring, and they range from the June 1993 issue (Issue # 1) through to the Late 1998 issue (Issue # 15).


Rolling Thunder Games
Russ Norris of Rolling Thunder Games has asked me to limit my postings on the Rolling Thunder Forums to past/inactive games, after I posted there asking if anyone there had played Far Horizons before, and pointing out that it was being resurrected. Russ felt that Far Horizons sounds like a potential competitor, and they would rather not give any advertising mention to current or potentially future competitors on their forums, if they can avoid it. It's their forums, of course, so I will refrain from trying to generate a renewed interest in play by mail games on the Rolling Thunder Forums. It does, however, qualify as play by mail related news, which we do post about on our forums here on PlayByMail.Net. We leave it to our readership to decide for themselves whether this approach to avoiding or fending off competition is actually likely to work.


Agema Publications Forum
There doesn't seem to be much activity, of late, over on the Agema forums. One interesting pearl of a discussion, brief though it may be, that I happened upon during a recent visit to that site was a discussion on proposal by Count de Monet for a Victorian Science Fiction Colonial game, along the lines of Glory of Kings.


PBM Gamer
The Mad Scientist of PBM, Mark Wardell, appears to be trapped in suspended animation, for no life is stirring on that site or its forums, at present.


Fate of a Nation
In the game Fate of a Nation, a new continent was recently opened for game play. Peter, the site administrator there, announced this event here.


KJC Games
In the KJC Games forums, site user Dave No Mates At All is still wondering, after waiting several months, why no KJC Games representative has responded to his initial inquiry posted in their forums, back on October 30th, 2010. By and large, the KJC Games forums show only sparse signs of life, of late, with recent history being that forum postings there are few and far between.


Strategy Guild
A trip to the Strategy Guild forums revealed that those forums have become a ghost town, with no new forum postings posted since July 31st, 2010.


Starweb Email Discussion Group
If you're interested in giving Starweb a try, then this site is the equivalent of a gold mine, in the form of old articles that should elevate your ability to do well in the game.
(03-14-2011, 02:33 PM)GrimFinger Wrote: Starweb Email Discussion Group
If you're interested in giving Starweb a try, then this site is the equivalent of a gold mine, in the form of old articles that should elevate your ability to do well in the game.

Sweet! What a find. I've always been interested in SW, but lacked the initiative to go find out more. I'll definitely be skimming through this archive.

Quote:Agema Publications Forum
There doesn't seem to be much activity, of late, over on the Agema forums. One interesting pearl of a discussion, brief though it may be, that I happened upon during a recent visit to that site was a discussion on proposal by Count de Monet for a Victorian Science Fiction Colonial game, along the lines of Glory of Kings.

It picks up every thime the turn comes out or something unusual happens in one of the games. However you are right it seems a triffle quiet at the moment....
I really like the Starweb Email Discussion Group.
I just started in game 1378!
As this is my first game of Starweb I can use all the help I can get.
What became of your Starweb game, Walter?

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