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The Characters
Angry August Ryan
Player: Barry Robertson

Big Bad Black Bob
Player: Indie Spin
Born into a life of slavery in Jackson, Mississippi, Big Bad Black Bob learned at an early age to despise authority, but it also instilled within him a cold patience and a calculating mind. Escaping his Southern master following one of many severe beatings over the course of his life, Big Bad Black Bob tried escaping North, but circumstances and slave patrols conspired to cause him to head West, where he's been ever since. Collectively, his harsh life experiences have warped him, leaving him an emotionless shell, and his searing blue eyes make him a marked man by many in the Wild West era. He also loves his chewing tobacco, and leaves a real mess, wherever he goes.

Makes Widows Smile
Player: Teddy Tedstone
A Comanche chief with a hankering for firewater and a taste for saloon girls, Makes Widows Smiles is as tough as nails, but he has bad teeth - and his sore teeth ain't afraid to remind him. He thinks nothing of just up and leaving his tribe for weeks, or even months, on end. They always end up taking him back in, when he returns home to his tribe, out of a deep and abiding respect that they have for his father, a great warchief of the Comanche people. While Makes Widows Smile speaks broken English, he definitely speaks fluent firewater.

Deputy Winslow Kinkaid
Player: NPC
NOTE: Deputies get one order slot per turn.
Deputy Winslow Kinkaid is a good man, a family man. He and his wife have three kids, two of which are his. Winslow has been a deputy in PBMville for just about two years, now, originally hailing from Akron, Ohio.

Ringo "Fifty Two" Fry
Player: Bryan Ciesielski
Ringo "Fifty Two" Fry is a hateful son of a bitch. His whole life has been nothing but trouble. He has more bad habits than most ranchers have cattle. Not one you should turn your back on.

Dan "The Loner" Hughes
Player: Stefan Graf
He's a loner for a reason. Or should I say for just about a thousand reasons. The only thing that he hates more than people is taking a bath. Believed to be a horse thief in some parts, Dan "The Loner" Hughes is one sorry devil that you would be better off avoiding.

Fastdraw Kid Sammy Hill
Player: Alex Sahm
Born a bastard child to a saloon girl in Dodge City, Kansas, Sammy Hill was abandoned and placed in a violent orphanage at a very young age. He bears a scar on his face from a knife fight that he started, back in his teenage days. He claims to be a fast draw with that big iron on his hip, but whether he has the raw courage to kill in cold blood remains to be seen.

Mississippi Jane Deadshot
Player: Richard Lockwood
The daughter of a mining town whore, Mississippi Jane Deadshot is as handy with a gun as she is with a man. But she's got a mouth on her that just won't stop, though many a man has tried. A real spiteful little bitch, you had best cross to the other side of the street, if you see her coming. You won't have a wallet, if you don't.

Wild Willey Gunn
DEAD - Killed in PBM Chaos Issue #15
Player: Rich Deluca
They say that every man has a soft spot in his heart for someone. Well, whoever said that had clearly never crossed paths with Wild Willey Gunn. He has a bounty on his head for thirty-five dollars in Abilene, Texas, but it's been quite some time since he last darkened that area with his moody presence.

Rowdy Slim McGraw
Casey Link
In the Wild West, they don't get any wilder than Rowdy Slim McGraw. They don't get any dumber, either. A crossbreed between sinister and clumsy, McGraw scrambles when the situation calls for it. A decent shot, but not a decent man, Rowdy Slim McGraw is itching to give his trigger finger some exercise.

Brendan "The Dirge" Weir
Player: Brendan Weir
Holy hell, where does one even begin? Rumor has it that he killed a fellow in Carson City, Nevada during a card game. This son of a bitch brought his own deck of cards to a card game that was already underway. Brendan "The Dirge" Weir lost the hand, when he got caught red-handed in a real bad cheating situation that either cost another man his life, or got "The Dirge" run out of town on a rail, tar and feathered, whichever you choose to believe.

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