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Roder #4 - The Roder Family
Roder #4 - The Roder Family


The Roder Family is in the last stages of a transition which began soon after the [Image: Roder-graphic.png]
Imperial Armies swept out of the north.  Previously organized with a complex
structure of royalty and based upon hereditary succession rules, the Roder family
suffered a grievous blow early in the war.  Most of the royalty was killed. 
The remaining Roder leaders took this disaster as an opportunity to create a
more modern organization.  The resulting Hierarchy reflects both the traditional
and the modern influences.  The influence of the Imperial organization can be seen
in the more nationalistic view of the Roder organization in Midgard.

The Roder family traditionally bases its fortune on agriculture and herding. 
They measure wealth by the amount of land held and the size of a man's herd. 
The Roder are constantly seeking to increase their lands (often at the expense
of their neighbors), through conquest and by clearing and settling land that is unused.
Roder leaders receive a percentage of the profits from the villages and farms under
their control.  They, in turn, supply these same villages and farms in lean times and
protect them against outside threats.

The principal land holdings of the Roder in Midgard are in the southern part of
the Province of Southkeep and in the Provinces of Korlant and Battlemarch. 
These lands form the "breadbasket" for the Roder.

The Roder family forces were swept aside as were the forces of all who first
opposed the Imperial Armies.  Damage to the forces controlled by the family
was slowly overcome until the Great Harvest Uprising.  Attacked by the legendary
Imperial General Lavan Kae in the Battle of the Great Plains, the Roder forces
fled the field in panic.  This disaster led to the final phase of re-organization
which was to bring about the centralized form of control over the army now
headed by the newly created Minister of War.

The Roder Family Upper Chamber has outlined its goals below.  Overall, the Roder
seek to avoid combat unless it is to protect their holdings or to expand into regions
with rich lands.  One exception is the Roder relationship with the religion of the Banner. 
After the defeat of Roder forces in the Battle of the Great Plains, Banner Ecclesiastical
Armies attacked Roder holdings in the southern provinces.  While the Banner forces
won only a few victories, they vary in significance in terms of impact on Roder projects
in the South of Midgard.  Worse, after each victory the survivors were killed. 
The Roder family and the Banner Religion are mortal enemies.  The Roder Member of
the Upper Chamber has instructed his underlings to recover Roder holdings lost to the
Banner using all and every means at their disposal.

Roder Bonuses:

1 Roder Clans buy Grains, Fruit, Fish, Livestock, and horses at a 20% discount
from any city market.
2 Roder Clans can use the Obtain Command, if they are in a Cultivated, Orchard,
Village, or Ranch sector.  The amount obtained will be based on the Influence Level of the
Clan, as well as its renown and several other factors.
3 Roder Clans act as a Roder Agricultural Station when Constructing any Land Project.

Roder Hierarchy:

0 The Grand High Board of Advisors (umpire/computer)
1 Member of the Upper Chamber
2 Member of the Lower Chamber
3 Minister of Economics
4 Minister of War
5 Minister of Diplomacy
6 Minister of the Lands
7 Ministers without Portfolio
8 Secretary-General
9 Secretary of the North-east
10 Secretary of the North-west
11 Secretary of the Center-west
12 Secretary of the Center-east
13 Secretary of the South-west
14 Secretary of the South-east
15 Provincial Governor
16 Field General
17 Guardian-General
18 Regional Guardian
19 Principal
20 Sentinal

Roder Goals:

1 Control every city in Korlant, Battlemearh, and Hilant.
2 Control any city with 5 or more sectors of agriculture.
3 Act in any manner to the detriment of the Banner Religion.
4 Establish increased holdings in the South of Midgard.
5 Act to keep prices stable in Southkeep, Korlant, Battlemarch, and Hilant.
6 Eliminate Barbarians and Bandits in Roder lands.

Factional Roder Office:

The Roder AG Station office increases the amount of food stuff on the cities market by  +2% per office, and adds War Horses to the cities market.  Now with 30 offices, there was talks of adding something else to the cities markets as well...Zan E. of Midgard USA had talked about a Exotic product of "Spice" and "Herbs". Both items would aid a cities in happiness. Spice would aid in making a clan Happiness and Loyalty increase while taking it, and Herbs was for Medical benefits.

Roleplaying Notes on Roder:
The Roder could be a awesome faction to play, being Knights in shinning Armor MHI (Mounted HI on War Horses), with MMI and MMM troops. I think of the Roder like the Rohirrim of the Lord of the Rings, or the Horse-Lords Warriors. Their speed and ability mounted is 2nd to none, and they Roder in time of trouble could call on their people to stand up Mounted LI and Mounted LM in the defense of their cities. Their cities could call upon these citizens for a cities defense core, it is something like 100 Citizen per Roder Ag Station reserve warriors core. Usually 1/2 MLI and 12 MLM to form up in two regiments for use in defense of a city. These were some of the items that were talking about and some were future possible changes if the Boda were to drop the Horse part and the Roder were to take it up.  I believe it would be a awesome change that would make the Roder a very fun faction to play within.
Brother to Brother, for one and all. United we stand, and divided others will fall. Hear my call, and take up your arms with me as we bring Justice to all. Big Grin

Father Morpheus's theme music
Now in my conversations with the GM of Midgard USA - Zan E., he stated that if the Boda were to be redesigned as Land based Foot soldiers(thus dropping the horse based part) then the Roder could take up the Horse based side. The Roder in the redesign added a War Horse to the markets and these mounts increased mounted troops effectiveness. The Roder could become the skilled mounted warriors of Midgard. They could be the Calvery of Midgard, and have MHI, MMI, MMM, as well as MLI or MLM.

Think of the Roder like the Rohirrim of the Lord of the Rings, or the Horse-Lords Warriors.
Brother to Brother, for one and all. United we stand, and divided others will fall. Hear my call, and take up your arms with me as we bring Justice to all. Big Grin

Father Morpheus's theme music

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