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Stryker Clan from Phoenix:BSE
I just signed up for this site.

I have been playing Phoenix: BSE for over 5 years. I mostly enjoy it, but occasionally get frustrated with it.

I found some of the threads in this forum interesting to read and decided to sign up.
Welcome to the site!

Out of curiosity, what about Phoenix: BSE frustrates you, as you mentioned?
Requires all most as much dedication to the game as to my occupation.

I sometimes refer to Phoenix as my second job as I will put about 40 hrs per week into it. Putting in any less will lead to disaster for my position in the game. And sometimes would really like to put less time in.

Trade is still broken, but in fairness GM has tried fixing it. It seems to be player actions more than anything else that keeps trade from working properly.

After 5 yrs, I still get fumble fingered about putting orders in. My fault; not GM's.

Game is basically sound and very good. It is still being actively managed and the game continues to grow and be developed. It seems to have wormed its way into my life and I spend a lot of time thinking about it when not playing.

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