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PBM News Blurb - May 13th, 2011
The first stop on this PBM News Blurb is the Rimworlds, site. Specifically, the forum for Rimworlds, which is only a shell, at the moment, and not really in use by what will be the game's future player base. The Rimworlds Facebook page has had a number of updates, over the last month.


Norberg Games
Dropping by the Fate of a Nation forum, I found a few new postings, since my last visit there, but by and large, there wasn't a lot of new posting activity in that neck of the PBM woods.


Far Horizons
They have encountered a bit of trouble with the test game of Far Horizons: The Awakening (Galaxy Alpha). It seems that some bugs have popped up, recently, in the codebase for the game, prominently rearing their heads during some flash-ups of combat that have started occurring. Game Moderator Casey has sent e-mails to all players in the game on May 9th, 2011 and May 11th, 2011, informing them of such, and to let them know about the delay, while he pours over the code for the game, to try and track down the bugs. This is not exactly the kind of bug hunt that fans of Starship Troopers would hope for, but for the time being, it will have to suffice.


Jason Oates Games
A visit to the Jason Oates Games website yields no new news, aside from a new game of Ancient Empires is now taking players, and is up and running!


Everchanging Book of Names
As I was exploring the Internet, doing a little research for a PBM effort of my own, I happened across the website for a piece of shareware called the Everchanging Book of Names. This piece of software is a random name generator for 32/64-bit Microsoft Windows systems.


PBM Gamer
Checking in, once again, with the PBM Gamer website discovers nothing new from the Mad Scientist of PBM, Mark Wardell, for PBM fans everywhere. PBM fans that thirst and hunger for news from the realm of play by mail gaming will need to look elsewhere, for aside from some recent postings by Sean Cleworth of Gad Games in the PBM Gamer forum, the place is mostly just a collection of moldy old postings and an ever-growing collection of cobwebs. If the new PBM revolution did, indeed, start there, as the site touts, then one thing is certain - that very same PBM revolution has long since passed the PBM Gamer site by.


Gad Games
Visiting the Game Games blog again, I find that there's nothing new to be found there, since my last visit to that blog.


Project Libertine
If there's been new progress by Hatch with Project Libertine, then he's not saying over at the Project Libertine Development Blog, as there have been no new entries, there, since my last visit to that site.

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