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PBM zine cranking up again
I have started oiling up the printing presses to have another go at doing a PBM zine.  GrimFinger has kindly offered to let me handle the next issue of Suspense & Decision.  I am still deciding whether to do exactly that, or to just start up my own zine along the same lines, but with a few changes in scope, layout, etc.

If anyone is reading this (and I do see the odd user popping in here once in a while), here is what I am doing:

1. Establishing a database of PBM-ish game companies and industry contacts
2. Making a list of potential advertisers
3. Reaching out to the usual suspects for content (articles and the like)
4. Putting a layout together

So, if you want, here are some things you can do to help:

1. If you run a PBM-like game (commercial or amateur), please send me a list of the games you offer, some news, and your best points of contact.  Be as wordy or terse as you like.

2. If you would like to have an ad run in the zine, please contact me directly.

3. If you would like to write an article, scan an old turn-sheet, post gossip about a game you're in, or just want to do some verbal navel-gazing, please send it to me.  I will formulate an editorial policy as time permits, but generally the more the merrier.

4. If you have opinions about what you especially liked or didn't like about Suspense & Decision, please let me know.

All correspondence can be sent to me in the following ways:
 - posted here on this forum
 - PMed to "ixnay" on this forum
 - emailed to "pbm.kahuna" at gmail (I am obfuscating the email to discourage spam)

game on...
PS: It is surprisingly labor-intensive researching PBM games and companies!

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