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Factional Redesign of The Ring
Here are the topic questions that are needed answering? Just copy and paste these below bullet point questions into your post and add your thoughts.

• Factional Name: The Ring Religion

•The primary purpose for the faction to exist?
•What distinguishing feature does this faction have?
• What specific in-game benefit can this faction have?
•What makes this faction interesting and fun to play?
•What (usually mutual) factional enemies?
Brother to Brother, for one and all. United we stand, and divided others will fall. Hear my call, and take up your arms with me as we bring Justice to all. Big Grin

Father Morpheus's theme music
• Factional Name:
The Ring Religion

<under construction> Cool

•The primary purpose for the faction to exist?

The Ring are Divination and Seekers of Knowledge and Keepers of the Knowledge

•What distinguishing feature does this faction have?

• What specific in-game benefit can this faction have?

•What makes this faction interesting and fun to play?

•What (usually mutual) factional enemies?
Blood & Fire

Allies would be the Gift, and Banner

Other Notes:

PRE - Preach
REC - Recruitment
SPY - Spying
STW - Streetwise
INV - Investigation
RES - Research
ENT - Entertainment
Brother to Brother, for one and all. United we stand, and divided others will fall. Hear my call, and take up your arms with me as we bring Justice to all. Big Grin

Father Morpheus's theme music

PRE - Preach
REC - Recruitment
SPY - Spying
STW - Streetwise
INV - Investigation
RES - Research
ENT - Entertainment
Brother to Brother, for one and all. United we stand, and divided others will fall. Hear my call, and take up your arms with me as we bring Justice to all. Big Grin

Father Morpheus's theme music
You know the Ring could take on much of the flavor of the Seeker's. They could be the Sages/Scribes to collect knowledge.
Ever dance with the Dark Man, by the pale moon light? If you do risk it, it will be the last time you ever will.
That's part of what I was hoping for with this restructuring -- rather than having many different factions with a single focus then perhaps we could start with fewer factions, each of which could have several different things they like to do that embody some of the other factions from prior game systems.
I tell you one of my (3) clans will most likely be a Ring clan.

I am thinking I will roleplay this clan as a spiritual clan and delve into the religious side of the Ring. In my talking with Oliver Kling, I have grown found of his vision for the Ring. The Ring are Divination and seekers of Knowledge and keepers of the Knowlegde. I am thinking that my clan might go after Spiritual Knowledge of seek that spiritual side through 'music'. I might focus on "Gregorian Chants" music like this:

Healing Gregorian Chant music

Have a listen to it and sit back and just allow your mind to imagine siting within a great Ring Cathedral and having your Clan Leader conducting a quire singing these style of chants of music.

I could view the skill setup for the clan to be:

LDR: PRE-1,REC-1 SPY-1, STR-1, INV-1, ENT-1, RES-1
 F1: ENT-1
 F2: ENT-1
 F3: ENT-1

I would then have each character first train in (+1 ENT) and next followed by (+1 PRE) for all characters. I would request Ring tasks to build a Ring temple, and sit in a city and try to build a number of Ring temples within that city.  It might not be a sexy combat clan but I wouldn't be roleplaying this clan as that type of clan Angel

Maybe I would name my clan's character's something like this:

Clan Name: DreamWeaver (RING)
       Leader: Father Morpheus
Follower F1: Brother Benedict
Follower F2: Brother Giles
Follower F3: Brother Jethro

It helps to set the character of the clan and the characters within the clan
Brother to Brother, for one and all. United we stand, and divided others will fall. Hear my call, and take up your arms with me as we bring Justice to all. Big Grin

Father Morpheus's theme music
Skills: Can we get a GM comment of the Skills for the faction as well too?)

PRE - Preach
REC - Recruitment
SPY - Spying
STW - Streetwise
INV - Investigation
RES - Research or maybe TRN - Training
ENT - Entertainment
Brother to Brother, for one and all. United we stand, and divided others will fall. Hear my call, and take up your arms with me as we bring Justice to all. Big Grin

Father Morpheus's theme music
If I stop to do an analysis and design of a skill system and all its ramifications, it's going to be that much longer (quite a lot) before I can get back to coding the system itself.  What's more important?
Ok in theory then do they sound like what might work for you ?

I wasn't asking you to stop and build out the skill system, just asking for a simple opinion.
Brother to Brother, for one and all. United we stand, and divided others will fall. Hear my call, and take up your arms with me as we bring Justice to all. Big Grin

Father Morpheus's theme music
Just at first glance I don't see anything out of place there.  But part of "picking skills for the faction" involves the question "does a faction have specific skills that need to be picked"?  Part of designing a skill system is whether or not any part of it is a fixed assignment, or if some people just get certain benefits over others, or if everyone is on equal footing and gets to pick whatever they want, or what?

There are a lot of fundamental questions to be answered that aren't necessarily related to how things were done "before" and are an integral part of an overall design.

Can you not just design the "feel" (concept, purpose, friends, etc.) of a faction without doing specific things with skills?  Once we plan out how skills would work, we can then add them into the factions so they fit well with the factional concepts.  For instance, picturing the Ring spending lots of time in chapels chanting (as you suggested) seems like wonderful flavor that can be worked into divination and knowledge goals, but I don't need to create a "singing" skill in order to envision that.

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