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Briny en Garde!
Ok I am thinking of reviving or should I say refloating this game. Looking for any one who might want to be the GM or main moderator, we have a webmaster(me) and some good script/editorial writers, just need some one to crunch those numbers for us.

Any one interested contact me at

well it looks briny is returning we seem to have everything required and about 12 players wanting to play again so I will keep you informed of how it goes ...
Ok we are planning to restart late March early April after sorting out every thing, also 2 of us are about to go on holiday as well, so we wont be ready till then.
Right we have a new shiny site for briny feel free to join it and contribute, I have added this site as a link as well....
Ok character sheets have gone out this weekend and there are tables on the site, Greasy pole coming soon!

Any one still want in join our Yahoo group

then ask Carol for a character sheet and add a number between 1 - 10 so you get a random sheet.

and sign up on the website to keep upto date with the tables etc...
Good luck!

(I get a kick out of your sig.)
(04-17-2011, 06:35 PM)JonO Wrote: Good luck!

(I get a kick out of your sig.)

yes its a good one....


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